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MaxLiving Vitamin D3 + Probiotics agrega nutrientes esenciales a su dieta, esta fórmula de alimentos integrales contiene 5,000 UI de vitamina D3, 10 mil millones de UFC de probióticos y prebióticos FOS de la raíz de achicoria. † La vitamina D3 es fundamental para la salud de los huesos, las articulaciones, la piel y los dientes, pero no se encuentra fácilmente en las fuentes de alimentos. Los probióticos apoyan un tracto digestivo saludable y FOS, un poderoso prebiótico, nutre las bacterias intestinales para garantizar que los probióticos funcionen de manera óptima.



MaxLiving Vitamin D3 + Probiotics adds essential nutrients into your diet, this whole food formula features 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3, 10 billion CFU of probiotics, and FOS prebiotics from chicory root.†

Vitamin D3 is critical for healthy bones, joints, skin, and teeth, but it is not easily found in food sources.

Probiotics support a healthy digestive tract and FOS, a powerful prebiotic, nourishes gut bacteria to ensure that the probiotics work optimally.

Vitamina D3

SKU: 21554345656
  • MaxLiving Vitamin D3 + Probiotics adds essential nutrients into your diet, this whole food formula features 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3, 10 billion CFU of probiotics, and FOS prebiotics from chicory root.†

    Vitamin D3 is critical for healthy bones, joints, skin, and teeth, but it is not easily found in food sources.

    Probiotics support a healthy digestive tract and FOS, a powerful prebiotic, nourishes gut bacteria to ensure that the probiotics work optimally.

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